Uzbekistan: Where scientists counted the stars and measured the globe – one thousand years ago!

A big white building with huge tall windows surrounded by a deeply green lawn in the middle of Tashkent: This is where you find the State Library of Tashkent. Very old books with hand writing in Arabic, documents you touch with gloves only, old time stories and drawings of scientists that measured the earth, these precious documents you can see in the Library of Tashkent, on the ground flood. On the upper levels you find shelves with books, magazines and newspapers.

Modern technical equipment for reading, micro fiches, online books, and books for listening are on the higher levels. And on all levels you find places to work, most are equipped with computers.

The place is now open for all who want to learn and study. The whole procedure for borrowing books is computerized and highly efficient. With a place like this, Uzbekistan is catching up with modern times. The country was rather closed for twenty years, and cut off from outside developments. Since 2016, when Schafkat Mirziyoyev came into office, things are developing with great speed.
The hunger for knowledge and outside contacts is great and visitors are warmly welcome.
How things have changed!



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