Tag: Kazakhstan

Astana (Kazakhstan) – the Capital in the Step. Pictures

The capital of Kazakhstan is special: More than one million people live in the city that is only 25...

Wars, Shifts and Changes

While most attention is drawn to Israel these days, and even the agressive war of Russia in Ukraine does...

Kazakhstan. Challenges ahead

Kazakhstan is facing great challenges. Internal and external challenges. But, as often quoted, a challenge is also an opportunity,...

Rolling, rolling, rolling…from Chingdao to Baku, … to Europe

The new Silk Road is in progress. The first container train from China has arrived in Baku on February...

ARALSEE-REGION: Umwelt-Innovationen und neue Technologien. UN-Konferenz am Aral-See in Nukus, Usbekistan

Am 25. Oktober 2019 trafen sich 300 hochrangige Politiker und Experten aus aller Welt in Nukus, Usbekistan, zu einer...

Religions against Terrorism

  The table is as big as the topic: How to fight terrorism? This conference was set up for international...