Melnik, Bulgaria – great wines from a small town

Melnik, Bulgaria – a small town with great wines – SD 480p

Melnik, a small town in southern Bulgaria, is the smallest community in the country, but with a very old wine culture. Melnik producers make great and famous wines. A wine museum shows how it is done.

The town has only 300 inhabitant, most of them seniors. Young families prefer to live in the big cities, with shopping malls, and other modern conveniences. But the place is great for holidays, for hiking and for enjoying local foods and wines.

You want to try some? – You sure can!


You can enjoy a great view, and dive into socialist history if you visit “Hotel Melnik”. The “old elite” knew where to drink good stuff. There is a room with a lot of history – as you see in the last pictures of the gallery.

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