Elections in Kazachstan

Early elections were held in Kazachstan January 15, 2012 . The OSCE counted in all 974 international observers in the country to see if things were going according to international standards.

After the events in Zhanaozen there were doubts about how the elections would turn out. Better than expected it was quiet everywhere. 75% of the people were reported to have voted, the Central Election Commission announced the following day. It was calm throughout the country.

Kazachstan did not meet the standards set by the OSCE, the International Election Observation stated, but it made steps forward to more democracy.

As expected, Nasarbajew and his Nur Otan ruling party won over 80 percent of the votes.

In the new parliament there will be three parties:

  • The ruling party Nur Otan (light of homeland) with Nursultan Nasarbajew at the top ( 83 seats)
  • The democratic party Ak Shol (Bright Way) with 8 seats and
  • The communist party with 7 seats

Nasarbajews party had 80,99 percent of the votes, Ak Shol democratic party had  7,47 percent and the Communists had 7,19 percent.

Already now people are excited to see debates in  parliament. The leaders of the new parties are eager to voice their opinion.

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