Central Asia and South Asia to be linked – Afghanistan in the middle

“Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities.”
Asia and Central Asia – that is speaking about huge economic potentials. The trade between the two regions is to be facilitated by new connections. A High Level Conference was taking place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, July 15-16.

The conference was initiated by Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Is was carreid out in a hybrid format. Two delegatons of the highest level, 15 parliamentary delegations, 37 delegations of the ministry of foreign affairs, and 10 various ministries and deprtments, more than 180 delegates of business and expert circles from 44 countries from all over the world, as well as 29 heads of international organizations and financial nstitutions were present.

Uzbekistan and whole region of Central Asia face economic increase in trade, but it will be possible only if there is a route to sea ports. Closest route will be to Pakistan harbors. So, the route through Afghanistan is essential for the growth and economic development of the region of Central Asia. 

It is an open question if this can be achieved. Uzbek officials, speaking for the region, have made great efforts on several levels to find common ground with actors in Afghanistan, with the government in Kabul as well as with Taliban. They are convinced that the political dialogue and good prospects for the future are the way for peace, prosperity and sustainability in the region.





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